Regulatory Support — Medical Devices

Studies testing the safety and/or effectiveness of a medical device are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Depending on the risk classification of the device being tested, a submission may be needed to the FDA prior to any human subjects research takes place. Additionally, specific requirements regarding the development, manufacturing, documentation, as well as other specific requirements may be needed to comply with the FDA regulations and law. Therefore, we offer support to Georgia Tech faculty, students, and staff in complying with all applicable regulations and laws. Please see the FAQs below for more detail.

What is considered to be a medical device?

When should I get Regulatory Affairs involved?

Does my study need an IDE?

Who submits an IDE to the FDA?

How does Regulatory Affairs support the manufacturing process?

How does Regulatory Affairs support the IRB process?

When do I report adverse events to the FDA?

Does Regulatory Affairs help with FDA meeting submissions?

Does Regulatory Affairs help with marketing applications?